
The Perfect SMS Format For You!

Writing an SMS format for your bridal shops is a valuable opportunity to start a conversation and build trust within your brand. But what do you say to build that trust?

Here’s a simple SMS format for your bridal shop to build trust and start conversations with your bride!

The perfect SMS format for your bridal shop, learn how with engaged marketing company

Who are you?

Of course, just like any message, you will want to first introduce yourself. When doing this, including the store name, your name, and your title can help brides feel confident in knowing who they are talking to before they share any information. Also, having the message come from the same team member who helped the bride in-store can make her feel confident in conversing and add a personalized touch.

State Why You Are Messaging Them

When building an SMS format, it is important to be specific and succinct in your messaging so that brides know why you are messaging them and what you need from them. This is the most important part of your message so you will want to be clear and avoid any confusing words or industry terms that brides may not be familiar with. You may also want to avoid any emojis that can be misinterpreted and change the effectiveness of your message.

Ask a Conversation-Starting Question

After explaining who you are and why you are contacting a bride, the next part of your SMS should be to ask a question that starts a conversation. This means asking open-ended questions that cannot simply be answered with a yes/no response. Open-ended questions open the door for two-way communication between your shop and your bride, increasing their trust in your brand.

However, when writing your open-ended questions, try to create a question that can be answered within a few sentences. Although open-ended questions are great, brides won’t have time to write a paragraph to respond to your question. Brides will also be more likely to answer if your question doesn’t require that.

Close Authentically

Just like everything else in your message, you will want to ensure that your closing is consistent with your brand. This means that your SMS should read just as if the bride had come into the store and talked with you. Not only does this help your brand stay reliable, but it can also ease any nerves brides have by expressing your brands’ values!

Want More Help with SMS messaging?

We help bridal shops just like yours with Email and SMS Follow Up strategies and management! Learn how we can help you level up your marketing with trend-proof strategies and consistent lead generation here!

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