Spring cleaning for social medias, social media updates, spring social media trends, spring updates

Spring Updates For Your Social Media

It’s finally springtime!! And with spring, comes flowers, rain showers, and spring cleaning! Why would we be talking about spring cleaning? Spring cleaning for your social media, obviously! Like with your home, spring is a great time to take some time to check on some things that you may not look at every day! If you don’t see them every day, how do you know what to look for? Here are few ideas of spring updates for your social media!

Spring cleaning for social medias, social media updates, spring social media trends, spring updates


First things first, the branding for your social medias! Although this is more of a need for consistency within your content, it can be helpful to assess if your content is accurately reflecting your brand. for instance, is your profile picture/logo up to date? Do your Instagram story highlight covers use brand colors and have relevant titles? Branding can also be looked at from the perspective of what your brand’s message to brides is. For example, if your brand strongly stands for size inclusivity, does your content reflect this by showing dresses of all sizes? Do your tagged posts? Although this may not be something you can change now, it is something to keep in mind during your next batch creation!


Of course, it wouldn’t be a marketing strategy without talking analytics! Although you should always keep an eye on your analytics, this is the perfect time to check overall things such as your followers’ most active times to ensure that you are posting at a smart time. Also, looking at your total followers’ data such as top cities and countries can tell you whether or not you are reaching your target audience within your geographical area.


Aside from the look of your content and profile, looking at the messaging of your profile can also be a reminder of what to work on in the future. A great example of this is your social media profile bios. When writing your bio, you want to answer the questions of WHO is your bride, WHAT makes your shop unique, and HOW you help your brides. It is also smart to use keywords and a clear call to action to capture users’ attention.


With social medias such as Instagram of TikTok, making the most out of your one website link is key! However, this can be difficult when you want to link multiple blog posts in your bio at once – thank you, Link trees! Link trees allow you to send users to a page with multiple links so they can find exactly what they’re looking for. If you already have your bio links set up, take some time to test your links to ensure they are still active and that your landing pages are easy to navigate/eye-catching.

Want to Learn More??

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