optimize your site, engaged marketing company, how to use keywords effectively

How to Use Keywords Effectively

What are Keywords?

Keywords are words or phrases that your brides will use when searching on social media or on search engines such as Google. While it may seem like these are simply a by-product of writing about your bridal shop on your website, being intentional with where you put keywords and what keywords you use can help increase your shop’s organic website traffic and help you rank higher on Google searches. 

When deciding what keywords you should be using, you will want to keep in mind both your target audience as well as your brand’s goals. For your brides, you will want to use words/phrases that they would most likely use when searching. On the other hand, you should not use keywords simply because brides search for them. You should narrow down your list of keywords to exclusively what your brand wants to be known for. For example, you would not want to use the keyword “wedding photography” when your brand does not offer this service. Doing this will ensure you reach brides who are looking for what you have to offer.

Optimize your site, How to Use Keywords Effectively, Engaged Marketing Company

The Types of Keywords

Now, there are 3 types of keywords that help your brand accomplish different goals. The 3 types of keywords are…

  1. Head Terms: These are usually single-words that receive a lot of search volume and have a lot of competition. An example of this would be the terms “wedding” or “bride”. Although these keywords help your brides understand what you shop can do for them, they have too much competition to actively help your marketing.
  1. Body Keywords: These are 2-3 word phrases that receive decent search volume and are slightly more specific than head terms. Since they are more specific, they also have slightly less competition and can be a better way to reach your brides. 
  1. Long Tail Keywords: Making up the majority of searches online, long tail phrases are specific phrases that are less competitive and receive less search volume. However, do not let the search volume scare you. The fact that this type is specific and less competitive will actually help your bridal shop grow your organic reach!

Where should you put them?

Now that we know the different types of keywords, which ones should you use for your site? Well, the short answer is that you should use a combination of all three types! To be more specific you will want to optimize each page on your site for one keyword and organize them with similar topics. For example, using the body keyword of “Suit Rental”, you can create a page that covers that topic in depth and links to related pages on your site that are optimized for long-tail phrases such as “Vest and Tie Colors”, “Gray Lapel Tux Trends”, and more! Setting up this organization for your shop’s website will help brides navigate your site, build your website’s authority by using links, and better optimize your website for search engines!

Want More Ways to Optimize Your Site?

We help bridal shop owners just like you market their shop with copywriting that boosts organic traffic and helps brides along in their buyer journey with you! Not sure yet? We understand! Follow us on Instagram @engagedmarketingcompany for more FREE bridal shop marketing tips + tricks!

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