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How To Make Engaging Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels have recently BLOWN UP due to the rise of Tiktok and Snapchat videos! With all of these videos competing for users’ attention, it SO important to create engaging Instagram Reels to set your shop apart!

Blog banner of two girls filming a social media marketing video. Text reads" how to start: Instagram Reels"

Why should you make Reels?

Aside from the marketing and growing opportunities Instagram Reels provide, another AMAZING reason to make Instagram Reels is.. you can get paid to! Instagram has created a new INSTAGRAM REEL PLAY BONUS! This means you can get paid for every 1,000 views each of your reels get over 30 days! Ready to make engaging Instagram reels now??

The Reel Breakdown

An Instagram Reel is a short video that you can post to your profile either in the feed or on the Reels page or both. Here are a few quick facts about Reels:

  • You can choose music to add to your videos or create your own original audio! This is the EASIEST way to use trends to boost views!
  • Reels can be 15s, 30s or 60s long! You can also change the speed of the video!
  • When filming, setting the timer is SUPER helpful!
Social Media Marketing Tips! Look for an up arrow next to reel sounds to see if they are currently trending!

Make Engaging Reels

Now that you understand what an Instagram Reel is, how do you use them to boost your growth? The key is to make your Reels engaging and relatable to your audience! 

STEP 2: Make your Reel!

Filming a reel can be pretty intimidating your first time, especially with syncing up audios. For your first few reels, try using sounds that may not require you to lip sync until you get used to the Instagram interface! Good lighting and a clean, non-distracting background is also key to a professional look on reels. Once you have your area set up to film, take a breath and fun with filming-you will be able to tell if you are having fun in the end result! When you feel more comfortable in front of the camera, try using other methods such as transitions to capture your audiences attention within the first 3 seconds to stop the scroll!

STEP 3: Edit your Reel!

After creating your reel, you can add your music and text! Using text colors that correspond to your brand is a great, subtle way to uphold cohesiveness throughout your feed. Above all, ensure that you use fonts and colors that are easy to read so that your brides can see what you are telling them!

STEP 3: CONTINUE creating!

Although reels are a great way for growth because they are shown to users multiple ways, creating one reel is not enough to grow your following! In order to build your community, continue making fun, relatable reels! After making a few, you will be able to see what topics/trends are working for you and grow from there! 

Want to Learn More?

Check out our other blog posts and follow us on Instagram at @engagedmarketingcompany for more marketing tips for bridal shops and other small businesses!

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