A guide to bridal Feedback Surveys, Engaged Marketing Company

Feedback Surveys For Bridal 101

With the rise of social media marketing, there has also been a heavier emphasis on your shop’s reviews online. But how do you get those reviews? We will teach you when to ask brides to complete feedback surveys, what channels to use to get feedback, and what questions to ask! First, however, it is important to recognize that reviews don’t just help bring more brides to your shop, but also can help you improve! By asking the right questions you can gain insights on how to better serve your brides and develop customer loyalty!

Here’s everything you need to know about asking brides for reviews!

A guide to bridal feedback surveys, engaged marketing company

Ask at The Right Time

Just like everything in marketing, asking the right people at the right time is key to getting valuable feedback and raving reviews. Now depending on your goals, there are 2 times that you should be asking brides to review your store or provide feedback. The first is right after their bridal appointment. Asking directly after will ensure that the experience is fresh in their minds and will be the most accurate. The next time you may want to follow up with a bride is after their wedding day. This can open up questions about the delivery/tailoring process through your shop and can create the perfect time for you to ask to post some of their wedding day photos!

Channels For Feedback Surveys

Once you know when to ask, the next step for getting reviews for your shop is knowing how you will ask your questions. The first option is to use a Follow Up Email Campaign. This option provides a way to send a thank you email and also a link to feedback surveys. SMS surveys are also similar in this way, but SMS messages can help you reach brides faster and have higher open rates than emails. Other options include social media polls if you’re asking more general questions or offering incentives. Offering Incentives could be something as simple as giving brides a coupon for their veil, tux rental, etc. If they complete your survey!

Questions To Ask

Now that you know when and how you’re going to ask brides to complete feedback surveys, the next step is deciding what questions you’re going to be asking! The easiest way to do this is by walking step-by-step through your bride’s buyer journey with your shop and asking questions about each step. This can help you identify at what step you may be losing brides or what steps can be improved.

For example, the first step in your bride’s journey is becoming aware of your bridal shop. To gain information about this step you could ask how the bride heard about the shop. Knowing this can then tell you how brides are finding you and where you should put more of your marketing focus. You can also ask questions for the other steps of the journey that ask about the service of your bridal stylists or ask about the brides themselves. Asking questions about demographics such as location, age, or interests of your brides can help you know who your brides are and how to better market to them.

Want to Learn More?

We help bridal shop owners create a marketing strategy that creates a consistent stream of newly engaged brides connecting and coming into their store! Check out how we can help you create your own Sales Funnel Marketing Strategy and follow us on Instagram for more tips for marketing your bridal shop!

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