Instagram update, Instagram marketing strategy, grid pinning

5 Ways to Use Grid Pinning

Instagram has been rolling out updates left and right this year in order to keep up with new trends and social media platforms. Within these updates has come the ability to grid pin! Grid Pinning means that users are able to choose up to 3 posts to pin to the top of their profile. These posts can be reels or posts that you want to feature on your page. Similar to Instagram highlights, this new Instagram update offers another section of your profile to optimize your profile to generate comments, saves, shares, or clicks on your link in bio! Here are a few ways to use this new feature to work for you!

Instagram Update, how to use Instagram updates, how to use grid pinning, Instagram marketing strategy, Book more brides, bridal shop owner

How to Pin

When looking to use this new Instagram update ask yourself what it is you are trying to accomplish and what you want to pin. Once you have chosen what it is you want to feature at the top of your profile, it is super easy to pin your posts. To pin a post, tap the three small dots in the top right-hand corner and choose “Pin to your profile”.  Your pinned posts will then appear at the top of your grid with a small thumbnail icon in the upper right corner. Just like pinning a post, unpinning a post is as simple as tapping the three small dots and choosing “Unpin from your profile”. 

1. Highlight Who You Are

One simple way to use this new update on your profile is to highlight who your brand is and your community. To do this, try pinning a post/reel featuring a personal post about you, a post of you with your team, and a post of you with real brides. This will allow brides to learn who your brand is and feel like they are becoming a part of your shop’s community.

2. Highlight Your Top Posts

Grid pinning your top performing posts is another strategy that can be used if you want to drive traffic back to these posts. Using your top posts can be useful because you already know that your target audience resonates and likes this content. These top performing posts can be any type of content as long as they truly showcase your brand.

3. Highlight An Upcoming Event

Have a trunk show or wedding show coming up? Is your goal to increase your attendance or awareness at these events? Pinning posts that support these events can help increase awareness and create a sense of urgency for brides to book appointments. Event information, designer spotlights, and dresses by the designer are the perfect posts to pin to your profile for this goal!

4. Highlight a Sale

Similar to an event, you can also use this new update to increase awareness of a sale! When having a sale, you can easily adjust your pinned posts! These pins can show the dresses on sale, real brides wearing the dresses, and sale information.

5. Highlight Your Shop

Showing brides your storefront, dressing rooms, and a reel that walks brides through what to expect at their appointment are great ways to highlight your shop itself on your Instagram. This can help ease nerves brides may have when starting to look for their dresses. It also helps if your bridal shop’s current goal is to book more appointments.

Overall, this new update is a huge opportunity for bridal shop owners to further optimize their Instagram pages for different goals. Depending on your goals and what you want to achieve, pinning specific posts can be a game changer.

Want to Learn More??

Check out our other blog posts and follow us on Instagram at @engagedmarketingcompany for more marketing tips for bridal shops and other small businesses!

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